Run Mom
Our Story
Our running journey began on November 14th, 2023, when Jessica was visiting from Georgia for the week. One afternoon at the kitchen table Jess says, “Mom, let’s train for a marathon! I think we could do it.” Now, mind you, this coming from a girl who’s never been fond of running or working out. As for me, I’m always down for a fitness challenge, but I had never consistently run more than 3 miles.
The next day, we somewhat easily completed our 3-mile run. Day 2 brought a bit more stiffness. By day 3, we were feeling sore but proud of our consistency for the week, especially knowing that day 4 was a rest day. Jess returned home to her husband Bryce, and we decided to create an accountability text group with Michael (my husband, Jessica’s dad) and Bryce. Each day, we sent pictures of our completed runs to the group, receiving encouraging notes from the guys. We continued like this for several training weeks, rain or shine (or snow), apart but together.
We reunited for our first timed run, a half-marathon in Georgia along the Chattahoochee. We were immensely proud of the distance we had covered and the determination we demonstrated by completing something neither of us had ever fathomed doing before. Meanwhile, the guys were also proud of their own half-marathon accomplishment – participating in a bar crawl.
Motivated to continue, we resumed training back at our respective tracks for the remaining months leading up to our ultimate goal. On March 17th, 2024, we reunited in Washington DC, to participate in a St. Patrick’s Day Marathon. Gilded in our finest green apparel we took to the start line where Jess revealed a non-sanctioned yellow bib. It read “Baby Garman, November 2024”. Riding the high of the good news, we both ran our fastest and easiest 13 miles! The difficulty soon sunk in but as the finish line grew closer, the overwhelming sense of pride carried us through to the end.
After our congratulatory hugs from our husband and sharing a celebratory high five, I said to Jess “Oh my god, you just completed a FULL marathon as a pregnant momma!” To which she replied, “Mom, you just ran that as an almost 50-year-old!” We laughed and laughed (well, three of them did)!
We celebrated our accomplishment in true Irish fashion, at an Irish Pub tipping back some Guiness and Irish car bombs - It was St. Patrick’s Day, after all!! Jess, of course, stuck to water!
After returning home, Jess’ morning sickness hit with full vengeance, leading her to set aside her running shoes to focus on creating new life. Meanwhile, I ran another half marathon and continued my running streak for several more months. As summer arrived, I turned 50 and Michael and I spent July and August traveling with family and friends, which disrupted my running routine.
Fast forward to Nov. 2nd, 2024, Jessica and Bryce welcomed a beautiful baby girl named Lucy, making Michael and me Gigi and Pops for the first time! Lucy is the most beautiful little thing I’ve ever seen, and Michael and I are completely obsessed.
All three of them came home to Ohio to stay with us for six weeks over the holidays. Our house was bustling with life, as both of our boys, Justin (23) and Nikko (20), were also home. With the convenience of extra help, Jess and I decided to reignite our running. About a week after Jessica, Bryce and Lucy returned home, I was on my daily run, and during my calm, wandering thoughts, the idea for “RUN MOM” was born. I shared my idea with Michael, Jessica and Bryce, and here we are!
Jessica and I partnered up, inspired by our shared love for running, to create a community for ALL MOMS. Our aim is to bring health, wellness and support to chaotic lives of moms of all ages and stages. The RUN MOM brand is designed for mothers at every point in their fitness journey. It’s a community of busy moms who want to incorporate health and wellness into their daily routines. From carving out 15-20 min. for a run or brisk walk, to uncovering the time for full workouts and runs to reach fitness goals, we understand that the easiest way to achieve goals is together with like-minded support. We ALL know moms are the most remarkable humans on the planet, and who better to understand that than other moms.
contact us
Send us an email directly at runmom.succeed@gmail.com or fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.